UNDONE Disney Mickey collection “Guess Who’s Back” Automatic


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SKU: COL-DIS-MIC-BCK Category: Tags: , ,

Since the first pen strokes of a whistling mouse aboard an old steamboat in 1928, Mickey Mouse has since then sailed steadily into the fond public consciousness with his big white gloves & funny shoes. While the famous mouse has gone through numerous makeover eversince… his round floppy ears, his iconic shades of black, red and yellow remain synonymous with the technicolour joy he has brought onto the lives and television sets of families around the world. This endearing collector’s piece seeks to celebrate his vibrant mousey antics, by bringing it onto your wrist in a fun and lighthearted way. **Exclusive to H.K. & Macau only.**


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UNDONE Disney Mickey collection “Guess Who’s Back” Automatic